North Korea President

Kim Jong-Un: A Decade as North Korea's Supreme Leader

Early Life and Rise to Power

Born between 1982 and 1984, Kim Jong-Un is a North Korean politician who ascended to power following the death of his father, Kim Jong-Il, in 2011. He became the third-generation leader of the Kim dynasty, which has ruled North Korea since its establishment in 1948.

Supreme Leader of North Korea

As Supreme Leader, Kim Jong-Un wields absolute power over North Korea. He is the head of state, commander-in-chief of the armed forces, and chairman of both the Workers' Party of Korea and the National Defense Commission. Under his leadership, North Korea has pursued an aggressive nuclear and missile program, causing significant international concern.

International Diplomacy

In a significant diplomatic achievement, Kim Jong-Un held historic summits with former U.S. President Donald Trump in 2018 and 2019. During the summits, the two leaders discussed the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and the potential for improved relations between the United States and North Korea.

Impact on North Korea

Kim Jong-Un's leadership has had a profound impact on North Korea. He has implemented economic reforms aimed at improving the country's economy, while also tightening his grip on political control. The COVID-19 pandemic has also significantly affected North Korea, forcing Kim Jong-Un to adopt stricter measures to prevent the spread of the virus.

Ten-Year Anniversary

In 2021, Kim Jong-Un marked his tenth year as Supreme Leader of North Korea. Despite ongoing international condemnation of his nuclear ambitions, he remains a powerful figure who will continue to shape the future of North Korea and the wider region.

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